
Behind the Scenes: Countdown to auditions

Behind the Scenes: Countdown to auditions

You’re a dancer, and a fan of The Nutcracker, but you’ve never performed in this iconic ballet. You know it would be an incredible experience, but you’ve wondered, “Can I do it?” Well, you have about four months before September auditions to decide. Use the time to get yourself physically and mentally prepared. Some things to know The entire show comes together in roughly two months, from auditions to the first performance in early December As a result, all rehearsals and meetings are mandatory. So that means a huge commitment from you and your family to be there when it’s...

Behind the Scenes: Dressing Up

Behind the Scenes: Dressing Up

If it's true that "clothes make the man," do costumes make the performance? Not to take anything away from the spectacular scenery and, of course, the amazing